MoU between NBI and USGBC to boost LEED

The NBI & USGBC have signed a Memorandum of Understanding validating the organizations association. USGBC has developed green building guideline called LEED. It also provides professional certificates like LEED Green Associate and LEED AP.
On May 14th, The Memorandum of Understanding was signed in seattle wash. Seattle is a coastal town on the West Coast of the United State of America. This MOU describes strictures on how the two organizations will continue to progress & encourage the mutual interests of their respective stakeholders & members.
The benefits of the partnership between NBI and USGBC gives paramount importance to moving the market towards innovative energy future for the environment that is low emissions & low energy. LEED Green Associate can support in moving the market towards innovative energy future.
NBI is excited to leverage this assistance to better support ASHRAE’s members with training, tools, resources, and education to rapidly scale zero-emissions buildings. LEED AP can support ASHRAE’s members with training and tools for green buildings.
This MoU will focus on NBI efforts & help NBI to plan its successful cooperation into the future and suggestively increase its impact.
This agreement is focused on joint activities by USGBC & NBI planned to:
Improve proficiency of building industry professionals or LEED Green Associate and LEED AP to provide high-performance, zero-emissions & zero energy buildings, as well as buildings that are enhanced for grid interactions.

Increased numbers of zero & net-zero energy, zero-emissions & LEED Zero-certified buildings. LEED Green Associate and LEED AP can help increase numbers of net-zero and zero-emission buildings.    
 Spread the adoption of expanse energy codes, and expand enforcement & code compliance. LEED Green Associate and LEED AP helps in expanding energy codes and enforcement.        
Increase public health, social equity and resilience-related with energy & energy systems and communicate these accomplishments through platforms like U.S Green Building Council Living Standard campaign. LEED Green Associate and LEED AP can help in communicating these achievements.
NBI & USGBC missions are closely allied which is redirected in USGBC collective efforts to advance zero energy buildings & provision grid integration over the past five years.
USGBC believes that net-zero is a prevailing target that will move the entire industry forward & USGBC is excited to continue to quicken USGBC partnership to cooperatively build a more sustainable, reformative future & increase the health & wellbeing for not only building tenants, but all of humankind. LEED Green Associate and LEED AP helps in making the built environment sustainable.


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