LEED green associate exam and green building components

Today's blog is on the green components of a building. GE3S provides leed green associate exam preparation course and makes its trainees aware about these green components
Electrical components:
• The electrical components in green buildings use energy saving in heating, ventilation and air conditioners (HVACs).
• The energy conservation components of green building design are optimum use of natural light, use of energy efficient compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) or light emitting diode (LED).
• The generation techniques include the use of solar lighting, solar wind hybrid in green buildings.
• The integration of active and passive solar designs for harnessing solar energy is also used. In addition to leed green associate exam training GE3S also provides solar modelling training.
Special Systems/Techniques
The techniques such as
• Water saving solutions
• Management of grey water
• Rainwater harvesting (RWH)
• Use of porous pavements blocks
• Passive solar design
• High-performance glass windows and architecture
• Composting units are applied in green building construction. LEED Green Associate Exam syllabus is spread across all these techniques.

Scope of green building:
In India, you can see that in India major part of the energy is used for cooking. While in USA that energy is mainly used for space heating, lighting, and appliances. The difference in this energy consumption is very clear in developed and developing countries.  They show the difference the developing countries mostly the energy consumption is for cooking while in the USA like developed countries the energy used is mainly for space heating, lighting other appliances. The home size of UAE is also higher than in India. India it is around 40 m. sq while in USA ut has an average of 200 m. sq. The average annual change in buildings energy consumption in India is 2.7 percent per year from 2015-20140 (IEO,2017). The global consumption of electricity in buildings is growing at a rate of 2.5 percent per year. In non-OECD countries, electricity usage is increased by nearly 6 percent. In order to build a successful career in green buildings, an individual must pass the leed green associate exam.
Scope of Green Buildings-
Reduce carbon dioxide emissions:
More than 40% CO2 emissions in developed countries come from heating, cooling and powering buildings.
The good insulation, window glazing and recovering heat from ventilation systems are efficient ways to reduce emissions.
Increasing the energy efficiency of buildings
• The energy efficiency in the building is the sum total of energy efficiencies of each component of it especially HVACs and other electronic appliances.
• According to an IEA report, the annual production of CO2 from lighting is 1.9 GT (Tomlinson, 2009).
• LED lighting and smart-control are more efficient than traditional lighting technologies. Energy efficiency in buildings is a critical element of LEED green associate exam.
What are the benefits of green buildings?
The advantages of green buildings are grouped into three categories:
• Environmental benefits
• Economic benefits
• Social benefits
What are the environmental benefits of green building?
• It improves air quality.
       The CO2 emissions from green buildings are comparatively lesser than the conventional buildings.
• It aimed at water conservation and improves water quality.
• It helps in effective waste management
• Reduces energy consumption and thereby saves energy resources.
• It also helps to restore the degraded natural resources
• These buildings conserve biodiversity and protect the ecosystem. The green buildings prevent habitat destruction for energy production and pollution from fossil fuel combustion that threatens biodiversity.  Carbon footprint is also an aspect that an individual must know about when preparing for the LEED green associate exam.
What are the economic benefits of green buildings? 
• Cost-effectiveness in the long term
• It reduces electricity consumption and so the charges to be paid (bills)
• The operational cost in the buildings is comparatively less
• It helps in optimization of life-cycle economic performance
• It improves the productivity of the occupants live in the building
• The water consumption gets reduced and wastewater generation and treatment also gets reduced.
What are the social benefits of green buildings?   
• Increase in aesthetic value
• Indoor air quality gets increased
• The high comfort of the occupant in the buildings
• Improves the occupant health
• It improves overall life quality
• Enhance occupant health and comfort
• The infrastructure used gets reduced and so the pressure on it
• The residential or commercial building with greatly reduced energy needs through efficiency gains such that the balance of energy needs can be supplied with renewable technologies are known as net-zero-energy building (ZEB).


  1. Nice blog!! It is really informative and useful. You can also check this Similar site for Leed GA Training


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