MoU between NBI and USGBC to boost LEED

The NBI & USGBC have signed a Memorandum of Understanding validating the organizations association. USGBC has developed green building guideline called LEED. It also provides professional certificates like LEED Green Associate and LEED AP. On May 14th, The Memorandum of Understanding was signed in seattle wash. Seattle is a coastal town on the West Coast of the United State of America. This MOU describes strictures on how the two organizations will continue to progress & encourage the mutual interests of their respective stakeholders & members. The benefits of the partnership between NBI and USGBC gives paramount importance to moving the market towards innovative energy future for the environment that is low emissions & low energy. LEED Green Associate can support in moving the market towards innovative energy future. NBI is excited to leverage this assistance to better support ASHRAE’s members with training, tools, resources, and education to rapidly scale zer...