LEED and LEED AP exam guidance by GE3S

LEED or Leadership in Environmental design is a third-party green building rating system developed by USGBC and GBCI. USGBC stands for United State Green Building Council and the GBCI stands for Green Building Certification Institute. The GBCI also provides professional credentials like LEED GA and LEED AP. The LEED rating system has 5 types of guidelines the first one is called the LEED BD+C, the next is LEED ID+C followed by LEED Homes, EED BD, and LEED O+M. LEED BD+C is for design and construction. LEED ID+C is for interior design and construction. LEED homes are for small buildings/homes. LEED-ND is for neighborhood development. LEED O+M is for operation and maintenance of buildings. For all these types USGBC issues speciality LEED AP credential. LEED GA  is a prerequisite for obtaining LEED AP credential.

The LEED guideline has seven categories starting with Sustainable sites, that have 1 prerequisite and 8 credits, then comes the water efficiency which has 1 prerequisite and 3 credits, followed by Energy and atmosphere, then material and resources then Indoor environmental quality, next is innovation and the last is regional priorities. Becoming a LEED GA or LLEED AP requires understanding of all these categories and the credits and prerequisites that are covered in these categories. The rating system has four certification levels. You get your building certified with 40 to 49 points, followed by silver rating for 50 to 59, then comes the gold rating for 60 to 79 and the last is platinum rating that is achieved on securing 80 + points under the LEED system. GE3S provides training for LEED GA and LEED AP for students as well as professionals throughout the year.
We have a LEED faculty onboard with us who provides guidance to our trainees and students on how to clear the exams in the first attempt. We have developed study material specially for both LEED and LEED AP exams. These study materials are provided to our students. Students are also provided with 21 hours of contact cases where all the requirements and the concepts are taught. Thereafter the students are provided with three mock exams that simulate the leed AP and LEED GA exam condition and question. This gets you ready for the exam and makes you accustomed to what would you expect in such exam. Our next batch is scheduled start in the month of July and this is a golden time for all the aspirants who want to clear either LEED GA or LEED AP or both. Please contact us to get more info on our courses.


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