Energy efficiency is the need of the hour to tackle climate change

Energy loss in any industrial process or building is inevitable; it is a foregone conclusion. However, its economic and environmental impacts are not to be taken lightly, thus explaining the growing need for energy efficiency. Put simply, the level of energy efficiency a plant or building can achieve is inversely proportionate to the energy loss that occurs; the higher the loss, the lower the efficiency. GE3S Energy Auditors identify opportunities to reduce the energy use of a building or industries. LEED GA and LEED AP professionals are well versed with energy optimization strategies in buildings. Energy Audit is a regular examination of an energy system to ensure that energy is being used as efficient as possible. Depending on the level of detail on the collected information, energy audits might be distinguished into two types, the walkthrough, and the extended audits. GE3S is a trusted name in the Middle East for providing Energy Auditor Services. We are pioneering Energy...