
Showing posts from May, 2019

GE3s on way to become carbon neutral

Ge3s is a sustainability consultancy having operations in the middle East and India. While providing our services we try to minimize our negative environmental impacts to the extent possible. We are aware about the issue of global warming and climate change and how our carbon footprint can help in limiting the effects. As a first step, we undertook a study to estimate our carbon footprint about couple of years ago and bow we aim to become carbon neutral. We identified our greenhouse gas emission hot spots. the two emission sources that were found to be significant included emissions from electricity consumption and emissions from company-owned and leased vehicles. This covered scope one, scope two and scope three emissions for our carbon footprint. The scope emissions were from combustion of fuel in company-owned vehicles. The scope two emissions were from electricity consumption at our offices. The scope three emissions were from combustion of fuel in leased vehicles. Once ...

Net Zero Building sustainability Consultancy and Advantages of such buildings

GE3S is one of the leading Green Building and sustainability consultancy in the Arab world. Most buildings today use extensive quantity of energy in order for lighting requirement, cooling and charge personal electronic devices. Even installing solar system will not significantly counter the heavy energy load. But we should keep in mind that there are some buildings that strike a balance or even tip the scales the other way of towards lower energy consumption. These buildings are called Zero Energy Buildings, they manage this feed by being extremely energy efficient, saving 50% - 70% than typical buildings and ge3s provides sustainability consultancy to design such buildings. In these ultra-high-performance buildings, the amount of energy used can be completely offset by renewable energy produced on or around the buildings. When conditions are not suitable for energy generation the building will withdraw energy from the electrical grid to meet its requirement. When the conditions ...

LEED paving way for green future

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, also known as LEED is a well-known green building rating system, which, when complied with, the project is given a LEED certification. This certification helps in assuring that a building is efficient in terms of energy, water and resource and does not compromise the comfort of its habitants. It is known and accepted globally as a form of certification for green buildings. GE3S is a leading LEED Consultant in the region. It is developed and well suited for various types and sizes of buildings. As LEED Consultancy we provide servuces to client, architect, builder or any other stakeholder, who is willing to move towards sustainability by developing green buildings can utilize LEED certification for their building. This certification can be achieved by getting credits or scores in certain features of sustainability which are specifically designed for green buildings and we help companies achieve this certification as leed consu...

Energy Audit and Carbon Footprint Go Hand In Hand to Combat Climate Change.

Energy audit is a way if checking the energy is used and identify areas where wastage can be minimized if not totally eradicated. Reduced energy consumption leads to reduction in GHG emission and therefore limits our carbon footprint. Energy audit consists of tasks that can be carried out depending on the type of audit and the function of audited facility. It starts with review the historical data of energy consumption taken from the electricity bills. The energy data is important in order to understand the patterns of energy used and their trend. Once obtaining the information on energy consumption, the next step is to set up an energy audit program. GE3S is a well-known energy auditor in Dubai and has conducted several energy audits in the region. We also conducted carbon footprint for several companies. As an energy auditor in Dubai, we have conducted several energy audits in industries and buildings. GE3S Energy auditor conducted energy audit as part of LEED EBOM platinum cert...

Sustainability Reporting And Environmental Impact Assessment Go Hand In Hand.

GE3S is a team of skilled Environmental Consultants, which is working majorly in the field of environmental consulting from a long period of time. The GE3S team is currently working in the market of Middle-East and India. We are also well known as sustainability reporting consultant in the region. GE3S team of Environmental Consultants are among the top service providers in the sector of Environmental consultancy services, which covers the Environmental Impact assessment (EIA), Construction Environment Management Plan (CEMP), Environmental Monitoring, Environmental Modeling and other environmental studies. 8n additi9n We have been actively supporting organisations as sustainability reporting consultant . GE3S Environmental Consultancy is among the highly acclaimed firms and has been awarded with many accolades for their extremely professional work. GE3S is certified Environmental Consultant from many governing bodies such as Environmental Authority of Abu Dhabi (EAD), Dubai Muni...

Climate Declaration and role of LEED Green Associate

There are several company’s who are declaring environmental benefits of their products including the “Climate” benefits. But are they doing it right, is the estimation based on scientific research and internationally accepted standards? Not always! The LEED Green Associate and LEED AP credentials examination covers the GHG emissions and lifecycle analysis topics in detail. Some of the complex environmental benefit product labels that we have come across include cold water laundry detergents, fuel-saving tires, energy efficient shock absorbers, emissions saving data centers, green and clean cleaning chemicals, etc. We have seen that there is an increasing trend on company’s disclosing their environmental and social benefits of using their products. The CDP or the Carbon Disclosure Project conducted a survey in the year 2017 and identified that about thirty-six percent of companies sold products that they believe would cut down on GHG emissions. However, these claims on emission redu...

How are we asserting pressure on the carbon footprint through our habits?

Fossil fuels generate about three-quarters of greenhouse gas emission that are attributed to humans. when we operate vehicles, heat our homes, and even use electricity, we burn the fossil fuels that release GHG emissions and adds to carbon footprint. The diet we are taking has a major impact on a person’s carbon footprint . Protein from the red meat especially beef, rice which is normally grown in paddy fields with high levels of water and methane release. Cross country food supplies as they travel long distances some times refrigerated all lead to high emission. Also the packaged and processed food also include lots of energy consumption and GHG emissions. Locally grown fresh food can avoid all these emissions. Another option for reducing the carbon footprint is to use less air conditioning and heating in the home. This can be achieved by adding insulation to the walls and attic of your home. Further installing weather stripping or caulking around doors and windows one can low...

Environmental modeling and LEED certification

GE3S is an environmental consultancy firm, working in the Middle East and India, which is holding a reputation of a leader of sustainable development, with high hardworking attitudes and specialized knowledge. GE3S is among the best environmental consultancy working in the field of environmental consultancy service, with accreditation from Dubai Municipality, Environmental Agency Abu Dhabi (EAD) and other regulatory authorities. GE3S environmental consultants with their mastery in the field of environment give superiority to GE3S among the others in the field of Environmental Consulting. GE3S provide Services in the following sectors of environmental consulting. Preliminary Environmental Review (PER), Construction Environment Management Plan (CEMP), Environmental Impact Assessment. (EIA), Operation Environment Management Plan (OEMP), CEMP / Environmental Audit Report, Preliminary Cultural Review (PCR), Environmental System Modeling, Environmental Risk Management, Wastewater Treatm...

Role of Sustainability consultancy in ensuring a sustainable future

Through adopting several sustainable technologies, policies, and strategies. The UAE unfolded opportunities to become a model of global sustainability leadership. In order to make the world a sustainable place, UAE is constantly working on collaboration and corporation with other countries to address the challenge of increasing population, urbanization, industrialization, demand of fuel, water, loss of biodiversity etc. As a sustainability reporting consultant we have been assisting several companies in the UAE to achieve their sustainability targets. These sustainability movements by UAE encourage several companies, industries, government and not to profit sector to analyze their environmental performance. Sustainability consultancy like us play a central role in helping businesses operate sustainably. They help clients in developing sustainable and environmentally sound approach to doing businesses. Sustainable consultancy gives expert guidance on how to reduce carbon footprint...

Estimating carbon footprint using GHG protocol's guidelines

In order to prepare the carbon footprint of a company most of the consultants are using greenhouse gas protocol. GHG protocol is not for profit organization that sets the greenhouse gas emission standards. it was recently found that more than 90% of the fortune 500 companies that are sending reports to CDP utilize GHG protocol for their carbon footprint estimation. The GHG protocol provides globally most widely used and accepted greenhouse gas accounting and managing standard. The GHG protocol also provides several tools that enables organization to develop their carbon footprint. The GHG protocol has also started offering different training services. There are multiple online learning courses on different aspects of GHG protocol and carbon footprint. GHG protocol standards are designed to provide a methodology for organization, governments, individuals and other entities to calculate their carbon footprint through measurement and reporting. In the year 2016 more than 9...

How sustainable operations can assist in climate change mitigation

We cannot run away from this truth that, the whole planet is suffering from climate change. According to the scientists, there are several causes behind the climate change. The major causes responsible for climate change include, Carbon Dioxide, Water Vapour, Methane, Nitrous Oxide, Chlorofloro Carbon etc. Therefore it is important that companies disclose their emissions, as sustainability reporting consultant we make sure that carbon emissions are part of the reports we prepare. All these gases warming the troposphere, lowest layer of the atmosphere, which is responsible for greenhouse effect. From the past 200 years, carbon dioxide concentration is drastically increased into the atmosphere from 280 parts per million to 392 ppm. Approximately 90 million tons of carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere by the humankind. Being a sustainability consultancy we have assisted companies in reducing their GHG emissions. These days due to urbanization and industrialization, sever...

Carbon neutral world and the role of forests and trees.

Climate change is the ultimate effect of huge carbon footprint individuals companies and countries. Greenhouse gases, whether natural or anthropogenic, contribute to the warming of our earth. From 1990 to 2005, carbon dioxide emissions increased by almost 30 percent. By 2008, the emissions had almost attributed to nearly 35 % increase in warming, as compared with 1990 levels. The last decade was the warmest decade on record worldwide, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Climate Change Indicators Report. A carbon neutral world is the need of the hour. Carbon emissions and other greenhouse gases are caused by the burning of fossil fuels in the environment. In fact, any activity to fulfill a human need requires energy that emits carbon dioxide. The electricity we use is mostly made from fossil fuels (such as coal, natural gas, and oil). The more electricity we use, there is more fossil fuel consumption leading to further increase in carbon dioxide and other G...

LEED Green Associate a professional credential that accelerates career

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, also commonly known as LEED, is a popular form of green building certification, which helps in making sure that a building is energy, water and resource efficient without compromising the comfort of the occupants. It is internationally known and accepted form of certification for green buildings. LEED Green Associate is a professional credential provided by USGBC, and also referred as LEED GA. We provide regular training on LEED Green Associate Exam training. It is developed in such a way that it is well suited for all types and sizes of buildings. A client, architect, builder or any other stakeholder, who wants to take a step towards sustainability by helping develop green building can use LEED certification for their building. This rating system works by providing credits or scores to certain aspects of sustainability for green building. These aspects or criteria include parameters like sustainable sites, location and transpo...