A year after launch of GRI standards - Where do we stand?

GRI replaced the old G4 Guidelines with the latest GRI standards on October 19th, 2016, developed through multi-stakeholder processes.  There were 28 launch events spanning across 25 counties.  The events were all held between October 2016 and September 2017, bringing together Sustainability reporting consultantEnvironmental Consultant, and other professionals within this field.
 A majority of the professionals who attended the events said the standards will help support and improve the quality of reporting.  More than 150 organizations have joined the Standards Pioneer program, showing their support to the GRI Standards and future of sustainability disclosure. For some, transitioning to the Standards supports their broader reporting efforts.  The Standards consist of a modular, interrelated structure, and represents the global best practice for reporting on a range of economic, environmental, and social impacts. 

GE3S as a sustainability reporting consultant by follows these standards to help client shape the sustainability strategies and reporting practices of many organizations.  There are currently 270 sustainability reports based on the GRI Standards registered in the GRI Sustainability Disclosure Database. GE3S have successfully delivered several sustainability Consultancy Dubai Abu Dhabi engagements in UAE.  In just one year, the Global Sustainability Standards Board started to deliver its continuous improvement commitment.  This guarantees that the GRI Standards continue to reflect global best practice and transparency expectations.

  The GRI 303: Water and GRI 403: Occupational Health and Safety are already being to be updated and new standards are expected in 2018.  Work will soon commence to update other various sections such as Human Rights-related Standards, Disclosures on tax and payments to Governments, Effluents and Waste, carbon footprint and economic-related Standards.   This modular system makes Standards easier to keep updated and the overall reporting process for Sustainability consultants and companies more efficient.  GE3S as leading Sustainability reporting consultant throughout the UAE attended the GRI Standard launch in Abu Dhabi and was in full support of the modular structure.  The GRI Guidelines are changing the ways sustainability reporting is presented and practiced.

Source:GRI: https://www.globalreporting.org/Pages/default.aspx


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