Solar Consultancy

Solar power is the conversion of energy from sunlight into electricity, either directly using photovoltaics (PV), indirectly using concentrated solar power, or a combination. Concentrated solar power systems use lenses or mirrors and tracking systems to focus a large area of sunlight into a small beam. This produces a lot of renewable energy and thus brings into picture Solar Consultancy.

Solar Consultancy provides a portfolio of various services such as Owner’s Engineering, Design & Engineering, Lender’s Engineering and Project Improvement.

Owner’s Engineering: As technical advisors, consultants need to keep a vigilant eye on your solar plant development. They evaluate each aspect against stringent quality parameters and provide expert interventions to streamline execution and maximize generation. They help clients in site selection, pre-bid engineering with BoQ, equipment selection, financial analysis and real-time bidding support.

Design Engineering: Stemming from extensive experience, consultants provide you a flawless engineering solution that minimizes losses, improves performance and maximizes yield. They make sure that you realize the most out of your investment. They undertake site analysis and resource assessment, long term irradiation analysis.

Lender’s Engineering: For financial institutes and banks investing in solar projects, experts conduct a neutral audit to check the health of their target investment. They identify uncertainties and recommend corrective action to minimize the technical, financial and policy risks to the investment made by financial institutions. The role as a Lender’s Engineer is to minimize risks and protect the cash flow generation ability. They conduct third party audit to check the health of the target investment, identify uncertainties and recommend corrective action to minimize the technical, financial, contractual, execution and operational risks.

Project Improvement: As independent auditors, consultants run sophisticated tests on your plants to make sure they are operating in the most optimal way. They suggest a road map to minimize losses and augment performance in the long run. They also conduct comprehensive study highlighting inconsistencies to facilitate process and technology improvement. They use robust analytical tools to measure the actual performance of the plant against its optimum yield. They make suggestions on how to reduce operational losses and maximize power generation. This analysis helps in streamlining the operations of plant and in turn increases profitability.

We at GE3S have experience of over 2GW of solar PV deployment, globally. We assist our clients at every stage of the project, from pre-feasibility, site-selection, construction to operation and maintenance. Our goal is to help investors, developers and lenders to maximize their return on investment in solar. We have a team of 35+ solar professionals and engineers with cumulative experience of more than 400 years. We have successfully delivered 60+ solar projects in UAE, Most Indian States, Malaysia, Thailand, Fiji, Philippines, and Bangladesh.


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