GE3S specializes in Energy Audit Service in Dubai
GE3S provides Energy Audit Service. We have experienced #energy_auditor_in_Dubai. GE3S’s Energy auditors have conducted several energy audits across UAE. The main purpose of an energy audit is to establish quickly and reliably, the main locations where losses, wastages or inefficiency occurs in energy consumption and utilization. GE3S specializes in Energy Audit Service. There are different types of the energy audit that we conduct as #energy_auditor_in_Dubai :- 1. Preliminary audit: The preliminary audit is carried out in the limited time and it highlights the energy cost and wastage in the major equipment and processes. It also gives the major energy supply and demand. The team of #energy_auditor_in_Dubai conducts pre-audit visit, in the plant area with the attention focused on the energy inputs, spots of wastage and available energy conservation opportunities. Energy balance is estimated, the data regarding energy inputs and outputs are collected for use during ...